My award-winning photography has been featured in numerous newspapers and on many websites since 2004. Works are available for purchase in multiple formats, including large-format art prints, wall calendars, greetings cards, and digital files.

In early 2009, the Utah Press Association awarded me First Place, Best News Photo, for a photograph I took of an accident scene on U.S. Highway 40 on a snowy November morning in 2008. The accident victim’s boot was thrown from the vehicle and stood as a solitary witness to the mayhem in the foreground.

The Vernal Express submitted two of my photos for consideration, one of women rushing a store on Black Friday, and the other of the accident scene. After selecting the accident photo the judges said, “It was difficult to choose between the two photos. Both were good enough to win, but the boot was the kicker.”

The following year I was honored again, this time for my popular outdoor feature column, receiving First Place, Best Feature Column and First Place, Best Photo Page, along with a Third Place, Best Feature Photo award.

In 2011 I was also awarded second place in the Best Feature Photo category for an image I shot in late 2010 of the Vernal Community Center swimming pool at night.

While recognition from peers is important and encouraging, the most gratifying honor I have received is the large stack of mail from my readers, including Thank You cards, handwritten and typed letters, emails, and postcards.